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2020/02 - SUCCESSION

Based on the increasing generation of electronic waste products nowadays, our team project conceives the relationship between humans and electronic products in the future ideal world, so as to achieve zero waste.

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In the 2000s humans buried, burned and discarded millions of tons of electronic, toxic, waste. These actions led to the widespread death of life and biodiversity. But not everything died. A variety of electronics were a lot less toxic than others due to their good management and quality. Once left in the environment these electronics slowly started activating the nerves of widespread fungi mycelium networks.

Over time the fungi cells infiltrated the electronic waste, providing the organisms with electronic functions, a network of communication and digital mutations. After evolving over several decades, the result was a mutation of biological matter and electronic matter, a living organism that functions on a high-tech level. The species exploded and after their discovery several companies researched their behavior, origins and assets. Nowadays we know them as „B-L-O-B“ - a Bionic Large Object. 

Everything that used to be electronic devices is now a bionic living organism that evolved from nature and our previous waste. Due to the electronic effects on the original fungal organisms they still have some byproducts. Approximately 85% of the organism consists of organic matter, whilst 15% of the  organisms still shows traces of electronic substances. The bionic organism in its raw form can be found all over the world in nature, but should only be „harvested“ by experts that have been trained to collect and purify the organism. 

 Several big companies now specify in the development and research of bionic species. A „B-L-O-B“ consists of thousands of individual spores that connect to one another.

 They can change their shape and color, as each spore is able to move and change individually. They carry most abilities of previous electronic devices, but don’t carry an artificial intelligence as they are an organic intelligence. 

Human society evolves around nature and a sustainable life side by side with bionic organisms. 

Once the natural overtook the technological, the environment and biodiversity are thriving worldwide. Humans and the bionic organisms established connections that are sometimes even deeper than the ones between humans. 

Companies profit from the variety of new possibilities in developing the sustainable bionic organisms and easy waste management, but they also face two different kinds of challenges.


The organisms are not bound to any physical direction and carry all data, they need to be kept in one space. As they also are living and capable of feeling, they need attention and human care. If they die, all data and connection is lost. 

 Companies both need to secure the safety of their bionic organisms as well as the safety and anonymity of the data they carry. The competition is strong and secure Data is  more valuable than ever.

At a very young age every human get’s a „B-L-O-B“ as their personal device. Once the organism is introduced to it, a pen extracts a tiny amount of blood from the persons finger - just like at a vaccination. The blood drop gets inserted into the „B-L-O-B“, they will now form a connection through the humans DNA. The free flowing organism now carries all human data, they guarantee unconditional connectivity.


As the „B-L-O-B“ is a living organism, it has to be taken care of. It needs a lot of attention and care. Because of the DNA connection, they share a very deep and intimate relationship. If the organism is not treated correctly, it will die. 

 The constant attachment and engagement between human and bionic organism often results in strong dependency and even addiction. In the unexpected case of a „BL-O-B“ death, it can result in a deep depression and even death of a human. 

Once a „B-L-O-B“ dies, two different processes happen. As it highly consists of organic matter, 85% of the organism can be placed back in nature where it naturally decomposes and nourishes the soil. The 15% of the organism that still carries electronic substances has to be removed. This part will be taken to a Greenhouse Facility that takes care of „bionic waste management“. 

In this facility the bionic matter will be inserted into small plants that are able to fully digest the substances. Once digested, the plant transforms the substance into a component that is edible for humans. This edible plant will then be shipped back to the human that the „B-L-O-B“ belonged to. 

 It’s the tradition of many families to hold a funeral for their bionic member and then honor it by consuming flower of its remains. The end of the „B-L-O-Bs“ life results in sustaining a healthy environment and nourished humans. The circle of new life begins again. 

So we welcome you into our family!


Antonia Fedder (Communication Designer)

Eszter SMid (Accessory Designer)

Eun Sun Park (Industrial Designer)

Josephine Flohr Falberg (Communication Designer)

Katrine kjeldsen (Fashion Designer)

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